-"You´re right little guy, nunca es demasiado tarde para cambiar." (It's never too late to change.)
He looks a little like a ragged angel. |
When the second counselor gets up to conduct the sacrament meetings, do they play the peter gunn theme? Or when he´s walking in the Foyer or when he´s in the ward activities? That´d be pretty cool. Hey so that means I´ll see Mark (Hawkins) in the high council report thingy, neat-o.
Today was a super cool week, we have had a lot of work to do. Elder T and I have been working really well together, and the ward has been working hard as well, and that is pretty dandy. There´s the joke in the ward that I´m going to finish my mission here in Independencia, or that I´m in the Mission México Monterrey Independencia. It´s kind of true, but it´s fine with me, we´re still finding people that we´ve never met before, so that´s good. Elder T says that it´s my last week here, since changes are coming up next week. I thought I was going to leave last change and I didn´t, so I´m just going to hold my tongue this time.
One of the experiences that we had this week was with one of the young couples we are teaching. We had an appointment arranged for saturday in the evening. They have a 1 year old baby boy, who has ashma. They couldn´t accompany us to the ward family home evening because they had to take their baby to the clinic. So when we arrived, the father mentioned that we porbably wouldn´t be able to share a message that day because their baby was pretty sick. We offered to say a prayer in their home at least, and they let us come in. When we came in, Elder T had the idea to offer to give the baby a blessing. So we talked to them about it for a little, and they agreed and thought that it would be a good idea. I had the opportunity of giving the fussy little boy a blessing. When we finished, the little one calmed down and looked up at us in wonder, and in that moment the spirit filled the room. His parents really didn´t know what to say, neither did we! They showed us their gratitude for our service, and after about a minute and a half of silent peace, the boy jumped off of the lap of his mother and went to play with a balloon. They weren´t able to come to church yesterday, but I know that the blessing that we gave to their little child and that peaceful moment was something that impacted their life, and I´m very greatful that I could be there for it.
Today we didn´t do anything special on our preperation day, we cleaned the house and bought groceries and such. So there was a lot of time for me to study and write, I drew a bird (sick dude) and I studied some more. I got through the Book of Alma again, so that feels good. And I´ll just say that the Book of Alma is a great book in the Book of Mormon full of worthwhile teachings and lessons, even in the last chapters that deal with the wars and contentions. But after 63 chapters of Alma, it always feels good to be in Helaman. But, I did like this verse in Alma 61
14 Therefore, my beloved brother, Moroni, let us resist evil, and whatsoever evil we cannot resist with our words, yea, such as rebellions and dissensions, let us resist them with our swords, that we may retain our freedom, that we may rejoice in the great privilege of our church, and in the cause of our Redeemer and our God.
It is much easier to resist temptation if we acknoledge that we are part of the cause of Righteousness, like Pahoran and Moroni did. We can fight off evil with Our righteousness and the Power of God as it mentions in 1 Nephi 14. (I don´t remember the verse, and I can not look it up because, hilariously, the pornography filter blocks me from reading 1 nephi 14 in lds.org, and I imagine it is because it says the word whore in the chapter. hahahahaha, don´t worry filter the Book of Mormon looks down upon those things too.) If we resist all evil, we can exile it, and fill light and truth in its place. I know that this is true.
Well, I´ll talk to you guys next week, I´ll send some pictures now.
Elder Garner
Plain Chachalacas |