Monday, June 22, 2015

2015.06.22 Cienega de Flores

Dear Mom, wait

Dear Dad,

HAPPY FATHER´S DAY! I hope you hade a good US open, who was the guy that won again from last year that went to U of Florida and was super young? or was that another tournament? Anyway I bet Phil Mickelson didn´t win because he´s super old now.

Zone Conference: Davis back row right of center, President and Sister Swapp front center.
This week was a lot. first of all, we had our zone conference and it was the last time that I´ll see President Swapp before our next President comes next week (President McArthur). he was a super great Mission President. He taught us that it really is through small and simple things that great things come to pass. (alma 37:6-7) so don´t give up! keep going, because you can´t see the wonderful things that will come wuth time (D&C 63:33-34) Also, I got to see Elder J! That was awesome.
Davis and Elder J.
Well there are quite a few challenges that we have been facing here in the branch. We haven´t really had any luck finding any real investigators. There are many people here who will glady listen to us, but the won´t come to church or complete with their comittments. It´s not to say that they aren´t bad people. We have many great lessons with various people, where they can undoubtly feel the Holy Ghost, and they tell us, but then they forget the feeling and don´t want to really change for the better. It really is kind of a bummer for that to happen. 

We had a lesson with A. at the end of a tough day though, and it was pouring rain outside. We sand the hymn "Master the Tempest is raging" and he began to explain how he was still battling to get work off for all sundays. Elder T shared the story of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. When he had his eyes on the Lord, his faith was firm and there was not doubt, and he could walk on the water, but he began to look at the waves and feel ther winds, his eyesight went off of the Lord and began to doubt, that is when he began to sink. We explained: "Is this not like all of us, If we put our faith in Christ, and look towards him in every moment, we will not have to doubt that everything will go well, but when we look around and ask ourselves the "what ifs?" and think about consequences and situations that could possibly pass us by, well that´s when we begin to sink." opening to the short scripture in doctrine and covenants 6:36 filled the room. I think that Elder T and I needed that lesson as well, not just A. The rain had stopped when we finished the lesson, and it was a good end to the day.

A. arrived early to church and was confirmed, next week he will be able to recieve the Aaronic Priesthood.
A. after his baptism (wearing what was probably Davis' favorite tie.)
There are still many other things, we have to do a lot with the small branch to get it on its feet. We´re trying to start activities every week so that they´re more united. Sometimes, when I think that my portion is hard, I think about how hard it was for Joseph Smith to restore the Church, And I think of how hard it must have been for Christ to suffer for our sins. Then I remember the words of Nephi in 1 Nephi 4...Let us be diligent in keeping the commandments of God. I guess sometimes, we need to sit down for five minutes nd breathe everything out, then get up and get to work. Mom there are lots of things I want to tell you about how I feel and what I´m doing, obviously there isn´t the time to do it. But I want you to know that I´m never going to stop working hard. But if you could, I would like if you could share with me what you guys learn at church, what things you learn throughout the week about the gospel, what experiences you guys have, like thanny´s testimony! :) I just want to recieve spiritual nourishment wherever I can find it. 

We went to the markets today, and I got some things for you guys. our Branch President said that he was going to go to Utah in a month, so if I stay for another 6 weeks I´ll be able to send the stuff with him. There´s a late mother´s day gift that I´ll put in there too. 

I love you guys so much! Sounds like everything is great over there! I´m glad Thanny had fun at conference! I´ll send some pictures.

Elder Davis Garner

Nathaniel gets to choose the one he wants: howling coyote or gecko.
Howling Coyote (or a cat with bad breath?)

Gecko T shirt

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