Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016.12.28 Independencia

Hey Mom!

This week was super good! I don´t really have much to tell you because I just talked to you guys on friday. After friday we ate super healthy for three days, so you can feel really good about that. We had three people in church this week, hna socorro came too so we were really happy about that (That´s the one investigator that had that super awesome testimony experience)

[Note to reader: Chris told Davis in an email that I was going to keep him home with me next fall instead of sending him to BYU because I miss him too much.  He was joking - Davis would go crazy without something constructive to do for that long.] 

Hey you know I got really sad when dad made that joke and that I found out it wasn´t true, that I´ll be going to BYU straight away and that I might have to finish my mission a couple of weeks early. It´s cuz I started planning out in my mind what I could do from then until january in california, and I thought about all of the birds I could see, that I could go to thanny´s races, and stuff like that. I mean, I´m not bummed about going to school or anything, the thing that would bum me out would be coming home a tiny bit early. Of course I would finish with honor, and a week or two doesn´t do much difference, but it´s just going to be so hard leaving monterrey, and finish my mission. There´s nothing like being a missionary, I feel so happy doing the Lord´s will. It would also give me a bit of remorse, not being able to finish with the fine missionary with whom I started. But, Let the Lord´s will be done and not mine. As you told me before mom, I will be sharing the gospel my whole life, and that´s true, so if that´s what happens, I shouldn´t be discouraged.

I was thinking about two things in this month. First, something know as the "dark year" in the mission, it´s the whole year that you aren´t with your family, in my case it would be 2015 because  I started in august 2014, and I´ll be finishing in 2016, but for the whole year of 2015 I will be a missionary. Funny the term, but I was thinking that it really isn´t a "dark year" at all, but instead, the brightest year of my life. A whole calendar year spent walking along side of the Savior, preaching his gospel, and feeding his sheep. I feel eternally grateful for this year, and how I have changed what the Lord has given me in this time, and the oportunity I have had to give back.

Luckily, I still have 8 months left, and if you were to take the time of the mission (24 months) and compare it to a 3 mile cross country race, each 8 months would be a mile. I remember most of my races, and in the good races, my best races, I ran the first 2 miles wisely and speedily. Arriving upon the third mile, you don´t feel anguish or pain, but excitement and adreniline to give it all you got. I guess for lack of a better analogy, that´s how I feel at this time of my mission. I have served in those first 16 months wisely and diligently, and these last 8 months I look forward to giving my all. Do you remember those encouraging words you would give me? "What have you got to lose?" Well there´s nothing to lose here, but everything to gain. The Lord descended under all things, he went the extra mile, and for that he has recieved all glory and comprehension, and has the grace and love to show us the way to do it too. We should all have the new years goal to be more like Jesus Christ. If we don´t, we should have the goal to make better goals!

Send me some skiing pictures!


Elder Garner del Barrio Independencia

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